Our fees are the fairest you will find for a quality service. We have fixed our fees wherever possible and you will never pay more than quoted! If we cannot clear your blockage during normal working hours then you do not get charged a penny!
If the blockage is still too stubborn for either the manual or mechanical methods we will not charge you for either service. Instead we will undertake a more detailed analysis of your drainage system to find out what is causing the problem. For more information please see our Repairs Page.
We accept all major Debit & Credit Cards via our Card Terminal either from the engineer on site or over the phone with our office on 0203 603 6012.
We accept payment via Bank Transfer which must be made within 48 hours of completion of a job.
We also accept cheques and cash if the invoice total is below £350 unless authorised by our office.
Our payment terms are flexible and can be negotiated with our commercial clients. Unless agreed or stated our standard payment terms are 30 days.